Addressing the woom Bike Recall: A Guide for Parents

woom Bike Recall

In recent news, the woom ORIGINAL Bicycles have been recalled by the Consumer Product Safety Commision (CPSC) due to a serious safety concern. It’s a promising sign to see government agencies work alongside private companies to fix the issue, but kids around the country are vulnerable to families who still own these bicycles. Here, we delve into the details of the woom Bike recall and outline steps you can take if your child has been affected.

Understanding the woom Bike Recall

The recall involves all sizes of woom ORIGINAL model bikes from 2018-2021, designed for children between 18 months and 14 years. These bicycles, which include both balance and pedal bikes, have been found to have a significant defect: the stem and handlebar can detach, causing riders to lose control and posing a substantial fall hazard. This applies to approximately 84,000 units in the U.S., with an additional 533 in Canada.

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The bikes in question were sold in various colors and are identifiable by the “woom” branding on the downtube and headtube, as well as the size markings on the front fork. Consumers should immediately cease using these bicycles and contact woom Bikes USA for a free repair kit.

Under California State Law, product manufacturers must ensure their products are safe for consumer use. In the event of a defect, manufacturers must take immediate action, such as issuing a recall. If your child suffers an injury due to this defect, you may have grounds for a product liability claim.

Injuries from bike accidents can range from minor to severe, and the law entitles victims to seek compensation for medical bills, pain, suffering, and other expenses. Documenting the incident thoroughly and seeking immediate medical attention for your child is crucial.

Filing a Bike Accident Claim for Your Child

If your child was injured due to the recalled woom bike, here are steps you should consider:

  • Seek Medical Attention: Prioritize your child’s health and document all injuries and medical treatments.
  • Report the Incident: Notify woom Bikes USA and report the injury.
  • Preserve Evidence: Keep the bike as is without attempting any repairs or alterations.
  • Document Everything: Gather evidence such as medical records, photos of the injury, and the bike itself.
  • Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer: A lawyer can guide you through the legal process and help you understand your rights and options.

Deldar Legal has substantial experience handling personal injury claims. More specifically, claims involving children and product recalls like the woom bike recall. We can navigate the complexities of personal injury law and help secure the compensation your family deserves.


If your child has been injured due to the woom ORIGINAL Bicycle recall, you may feel the need to seek legal help. It’s essential to act promptly to protect your child’s rights and well-being. Contact Deldar Legal at (844) 335-3271 for guidance and support throughout this challenging time. Our team is ready to stand by your side and ensure your family receives the justice and compensation you deserve.

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Posted in: Bicycle Accidents, Defective Products

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